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About St Chad's
At St Chad’s we strive to be a generous community. We witness to God’s love as shown to us in our Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to care for one another, welcoming everyone into our worshipping life and actively reaching out.
Our aim is to be a place of hospitality, compassion and outreach. We help each other grow as disciples of Jesus and spread the Good News of God’s love.
Our church life is centred around the Eucharist and prayer. We try to embrace traditional and contemporary forms of worship and music, formal services and informal ones too. There are two services on a Sunday: a 10 o'clock Parish Communion followed by refreshments and a 4.15pm all-age act of worship followed by a meal.
We are always looking for ways in which we can serve God and our local community. We aim for our church life to connect with people in South Bank and the city of York.
We are a friendly, inclusive and welcoming church in the South Bank area of York. We are members of the Church of England and part of the inclusive church network that seeks to welcome everyone, without discrimination, in the name of Jesus.